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LHC ensures the continuous operation of the entire Long Hau Industrial Park

Views: 354113/07/2021Share
In order to prevent the rapidly spreading COVID-19 epidemic in the area, the People's Committee of Long An province requires that from 0:00 on July 13, businesses must operate under the motto "3 on the spot" (on-site production, on-site dining; rest in place).
At the end of July 11, Long An Provincial People's Committee issued Official Letter No. 6619/UBND-VHXH on ensuring safety against COVID-19 in production activities at enterprises in the province.
Accordingly, the situation of COVID-19 epidemic in Long An province is becoming more and more complicated and unpredictable. In order to effectively prevent and control the COVID-19 epidemic in the province, to prevent the disease from spreading in the community, the People's Committee of Long An province requires:
  • For enterprises that have recorded cases of F0, F1: Immediately suspend operations to focus on tracing, zoning, isolating and overcoming limitations according to regulations.
  • Enterprises that have built and organized production according to the motto "3 on the spot" (on-site production, on-site dining and on-site rest) will continue to operate normally.
  • For enterprises that have not yet organized production according to the motto "3 on the spot": No later than 0:00 on July 13, they must build and carry out production according to the motto "3 on the spot".
When the production plan is completed under the motto "3 on the spot", enterprises are responsible for notifying the competent authority for appraisal, if they meet the requirements and ensure safety, they are allowed to operate. .
From 0:00 on July 13, enterprises that do not carry out production according to the motto "3 on the spot" must suspend operations until there is a plan to organize production to ensure the motto "3 on-site" or until The epidemic situation is well controlled.
Update on Covid-19 disease prevention and control in Long Hau Industrial Park on July 13, 2021
Based on the directive of the People's Committee of Long An Province, the Epidemic Prevention and Control Committee of Long Hau Industrial Park has instructed all enterprises in Long Hau Industrial Park to urgently prepare 3 jobs on the spot for workers to rest assured. out in difficult times. Production areas, dining areas and resting areas are fully and safely arranged to meet the essential needs of workers. The Epidemic Prevention and Control Committee is tightening control to perform dual tasks, both to prevent epidemics from entering the Industrial Park and to ensure continuous operations in the whole area.
Enterprises in Long Hau Industrial Park urgently prepare 3 on-site work (on-site production, on-site dining, on-site rest) for workers to rest assured to produce in difficult times
For the headquarters of the Management Board of Long Hau Industrial Park, in addition to the departments receiving instructions to work remotely, the Company also implemented option 3 on the spot for some essential parts that need to operate throughout the period Epidemic: Factory, Maintenance and Board of Directors directly manage to ensure the company's operation, and the management of the industrial park is not interrupted.
Some updates on the Covid-19 epidemic situation in the country:The Ministry of Health said that on the morning of July 13, our country had 466 more Covid-19 cases (BN32200-32665), including 1 isolated case immediately after entry in Tay Ninh and 465 cases recorded domestically in Ho Chi Minh City (365 cases). ), Long An (52), Vinh Long (23), Dong Nai (12), Phu Yen (7), Tay Ninh (5), Hanoi (1); in which 416 cases were detected in isolation or blockade areas.
For all information related to the prevention of the Covid-19 epidemic at Long Hau Industrial Park, please update at:COVID-19 NEWS
Long Hau Industrial Park - Partner in success
Address: Hamlet 3, Long Hau commune, Can Giuoc district, Long An province
Hotline: (+84 28) 3937 5599 - (+84) 906 938 599
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