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Officially kick off the Factory Site Tour in Long Hau Industrial Park

Views: 174229/06/2022Share
Exclusive Factory Site Tour” is a series of factory tours organized by Long Hau Corporation (LHC) in collaboration with existing enterprises in the industrial park for investors and partners to experience the actual investment environment. During the tour, partners have a chance to:
  • Survey Long Hau Industrial Park’s strategic trade location;
  • Learn about physical facilities, transport - technical - social infrastructure, including laborers’ life care;
  • Experience models of High-rise factory, Ready-built factory, and optimal factories;
  • Visit Long Hau Trading Center.
In addition to a tour of Long Hau Industrial Park, partners will be consulted on special favorable policies in investment and other fields as well as access to business cooperation opportunities with 200 businesses community here.

During the tour on July 8, 2022, there will be a visit to the Takazono Vietnam factory - a unit specializing in the production of medicine packaging machines, medical equipment and instruments right at Long Hau Industrial Park.

Specifical schedule:


  • Move by shuttle bus (max 30 persons) or free to move to Long Hau Industrial Park.
  • After receiving the registration information, LHC will send a confirmation email to businesses and partners.
  • Participating fee: Free of charge
  • Registration deadline: By July 6, 2022
  • Register here


For more information, please contact:
Mr. Quoc Hoang
Tel: (+84) 90 777 2487   

Long Hau Industrial Park - Partner in success
Address: Hamlet 3, Long Hau commune, Can Giuoc district, Long An province
Hotline: (+84 28) 3937 5599 - (+84) 906 938 599
Zalo Official: