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What is the Hi-Tech Industry & Hi-Tech Support?

Views: 508312/11/2021Share
Modern high technology is an inevitable trend in the current era of scientific and technical development. Applying advanced technology to meet and improve competitiveness in industrial and agricultural production in our country. So what is high technology? What is High-tech Supporting? Can your business be considered as a High-Tech Enterprise, High-Tech Supporting? Find out with LHC through the article below!

What is high-tech industry?

High technology or high technology is a technology with a high content of scientific research and technological development; integrated from modern scientific and technological achievements; to create products with quality, outstanding features, high added value and friendly with the environment; play a very important role in the formation of new manufacturing and service industries or in the modernization and industrialization of existing manufacturing and service industries.

Currently, in our country, we are applying high-tech projects in many sectors such as agriculture, industry, healthcare, manufacturing, and automation to promote the development of the country. The most prominent are industry and agriculture.
What is High-Tech Industry? What is high-tech industrial Supporting?

What is high-tech industry support?

High-tech industrial auxiliary is a concept that refers to all industrial products that play an auxiliary role in the production of key components for high-tech industries. Specifically, components, accessories, spare parts, packaging products, materials for painting, dyeing... and may also include intermediate products, preliminary processing materials. High-tech auxiliary products are usually produced on a small scale, implemented by small and medium enterprises (Enterprises).
In fact, Hi-Tech manufacturing businesses need a lot of suppliers to go with. High-tech auxiliary industry (High-tech) plays an important role in economic development in general and Da Nang in particular. However, the connection between supporting businesses and high-tech enterprises here is still fuzzy.

Supporting industrial products for high-tech industries prioritized for development are specified in Section VI, Appendix to the List of supporting industry products prioritized for development, promulgated together with Decree No. 111/2015 /ND-CP dated November 3, 2005 of the Government.

Ancillary businesses often need a small space of only 500m2, located near the Hi-Tech Park or less than 30 minutes away to ensure quick supply.
Long Hau hi-tech factory was invested and built in Da Nang Hi-tech Park.
Long Hau Hi-tech Factory in Da Nang Hi-Tech Park has a total area of 29.6 ha, investment capital of 1,050 billion VND. With flexible leasing area from 500 - 3,000 m2, Long Hau Hi-tech Factory - Da Nang focuses on attracting Hi-tech auxiliary manufacturing enterprises, who are suppliers for Hi-tech enterprises is here.

The project is divided into 3 phases. Phase 1 is built at Lot J4 - ancillary area of Da Nang Hi-Tech Park with a total area of 10,000 m2. Long Hau will hand over the ready-built factory to complete the entire technical infrastructure, at the same time deploying support services throughout for investors. Phase 1 is expected to be completed by the end of November 2019.

Can your business be considered as a High-Tech Enterprise, High-Tech Ancillary?

For Long Hau Hi-tech Factory - Da Nang, LHC will be the representative unit of enterprises to register high-tech and high-tech auxiliary industries through one-stop procedures, helping investors save time. and quickly went into operation.

To find out if your business belongs to the high-tech industry group, answer the following survey with LHC:
In order to answer the questions of Korean investors when choosing to invest in Vietnam, Long Hau Industrial Park, Da Nang Investment Promotion Agency and the Management Board of Da Nang Hi-Tech Park and Industrial Park co-organized webinar "Investment Trends and Guide for Korean Investors in the High-Tech Industry". The webinar will provide the latest updates on the investment environment in Da Nang - a typical city in central Vietnam and highlight investment incentives. In particular, IPA Da Nang will present an issue that Korean investors care about in terms of supply chain and human resources.
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Long Hau Industrial Park - Partner in success
Address: Hamlet 3, Long Hau commune, Can Giuoc district, Long An province
Hotline: (+84 28) 3937 5599 - (+84) 906 938 599
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