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Five benefits of leasing high-rise factory in Long Hau Industrial Park

Views: 437129/01/2019Share
Low cost
Supporting and high – tech enterprises can choose flexible size from 100 – 3330 m2 that meet each stipulation. You don’t need to choose at least square to set up factory as well as don’t spend much money on design, building and system management. Moreover, high-rise factory in Long Hau Industrial Park will be built with high quality but low cost than basic warehouse.

Immediate move in & Easy and fast operation 
Beside of cost of water treatment, enterprises have to wait from 6 months to 1 year following certificates and policy. In controversy, if choosing high-rise factory, enterprises will work rapidly because of using mutual system of the building as well as monitor resource usage without many investment progress.

Modern Design
With completed interior and integration of sprinkler system, high rise factory in Long Hau Industrial Park has floor load from 600kg - 1 ton per m2; ceiling height from 3.5 - 4.5m that makes it easy for businesses to optimize usage and support efficient production. Each warehouse has separate toilet. Some management and operation activities such like waste disposal, soundproof noisy, roadway for container, exiting, elevator… that was harmonized tightly and arranged logically to make sure manufacturing process be smoothly and securely.

Easily take advantages of utilities
Having front line position on Long Hau Street, investors easily attract regional labor resources as well as increase competitive advantage and speedily access market. At there, LHC have arranged full of utilities like supermarket, café, clinic, kinder garden, sports yard and especially dormitory.

Professional Support
LHC will help investor complete registration of business entities, recruitment in the beginning period. This is one of the most high light ‘s LHC that always is appreciated by businesses. With experienced staffs, plus convenient position, high-rise factory will meet the demand of investors.

Long Hau Industrial Park - Partner in success
Address: Hamlet 3, Long Hau commune, Can Giuoc district, Long An province
Hotline: (+84 28) 3937 5599 - (+84) 906 938 599
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