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Long Hau Corporation officially started the project of high-tech auxiliary factory in Da Nang

Views: 915128/02/2019Share
On February 28, 2019, Da Nang high-tech park solemnly held the groundbreaking ceremony of Long Hau high-tech auxiliary factory in Da Nang organized by Long Hau Corporation (LHC). This is the first auxiliary factory project in Da Nang with a total area of 29.6 Ha, total capital investment for the project is VND 1,050 billion and is divided into 03 phases.
Attending the ceremony, there were the leaders of Da Nang City including Mr. Nguyen Nho Trung - Member of the Standing Committee, Chairman of the People's Council of Da Nang City; Mr. Ho Ky Minh - Member of the Standing Committee, Vice Chairman of Da Nang City People's Committee cum Head of the Management Board of the CNC and Da Nang Industrial Zones; Mr. Pham Nhat Phi - Member of the Party Committee, Secretary of the Party Committee of Da Nang Industrial Zone, and representatives of the leadership of the sectoral authority, the Management Board of the High-tech Park and Da Nang Industrial Parks. On the side of LHC with the participation of Mr. Pham Xuan Trung - Chairman of the Board of Directors, Board of Management and more than 50 guests are interested enterprises, investment promotion partners,  domestic and foreign Trade Association.
Mr. Ho Ky Minh - Member of the Standing Committee, Vice Chairman of Da Nang City People's Committee cum Head of the Management Board of the CNC and Da Nang Industrial Zones is speaking at the ceremony.
Mr. Tran Hong Son – General Director of LHC is speaking 
Representatives of Departments, Boards of the City People’s Committee and Officers of the Management Board of the CNC Zone and Da Nang Industrial Zones
Since the announcement, the project of Long Hau high-tech factory in Da Nang has been highly appreciated by investors and given much attention and practical evidence that the LHC has officially signed the Hold Agreement of first factory with Japanese FDI enterprise.
This is a factory model combining perfect development between a prestigious infrastructure development company LHC and an attractive investment incentive policy from the Management Board of Hi-tech Park and Da Nang City. By officially starting the project from the beginning of 2019, LHC has proved its efforts and commitment in creating a sustainable investment environment for businesses in Da Nang.

Ground-breaking form is conducting solemnly
Being the first model of factory for lease in Da Nang hi-tech zone, the project of auxiliary factory Long Hau - Da Nang has low rental price, only from 3.00 USD/m2 per month, flexible area from 500m2 to 3,300m2. Compared to the average rental price of industrial land of 150USD/m2 (JLL report in 2018), this can be considered as competitive price in the industrial property market in Vietnam today. In addition, enterprises are also entitled to special tax incentives according to the policies of Board Management of the high-tech zone and others Industrial Zone in Da Nang.
The dual benefit of this project is the maximum support for legal procedures and business support services from LHC. With experience in infrastructure development and professional management, Mr. Bui Le Anh Hieu - Director of LHC, Da Nang Branch affirmed: "For the auxiliary factory project in Da Nang, LHC will be the unite to represent the enterprises register the high-tech of ancillary industry through one-stop procedure, helping investors save time and quickly get into operation".
It can be said that in the future Da Nang  City will become a hot spot for industrial development, especially the development potential of Da Nang hi-tech zone, based on the regional economic development speed, the best infrastructure of the Central region, favorable location, the exit way of the sea of the East-West corridor and the living environment attracts high quality labor. Besides, the professional management team, multilingual support staffs (Vietnamese - English - Japanese - Korean), experienced in the field of infrastructure construction - leasing factories of LCH, Long Hau - Da Nang high-tech factory project is an effective solution to help businesses succeed and develop sustainably.

Some images from the groundbreaking ceremony:
Long Hau Industrial Park - Partner in success
Address: Hamlet 3, Long Hau commune, Can Giuoc district, Long An province
Hotline: (+84 28) 3937 5599 - (+84) 906 938 599
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