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Long Hau Industrial Park participates in the program "Connecting investment between Vietnam and Korea"

Views: 314010/11/2021Share
On November 10, Long Hau Industrial Park participated in an online trade session within the framework of the "Vietnam-Korea Investment Connection" program organized by the Trade Promotion Department of the Ministry of Industry and Trade in collaboration with Kotra Hanoi.
The seminar was attended by representatives of leaders of ministries, central agencies, promotion, trade and investment agencies of Korea and Vietnam, news agencies, press and especially the participation of nearly 100 Korean businesses and investors at the demand points.

The content of the seminar included topical topics that Korean investors are interested in, such as: The situation of economic cooperation, trade and investment between Vietnam - Korea in the context of Covid-19; Trend and situation of Korean investment in Vietnam; Introduction about investment and business environment in industrial cities in Vietnam.
Conference information. Source Nghe An Newspaper
In particular, on the afternoon of November 10, the program had trading sessions coordinated by the Organizing Committee, each session lasted for 30 minutes in separate online connection rooms. Accordingly, Long Hau Joint Stock Company participated in an online trading session with Korean investors who are interested in and learn about investment in Long Hau Industrial Park.

After the results of the trading session, most Korean investors expressed their desire and interest in the province's investment incentive mechanisms and policies; situation of attracting investment in industrial zones. Many questions related to issues of labor costs, preferential policies on CIT, rental prices, investment procedures and logistics costs, environmental assessment records.../.

Representative of LHC, Ms. Phuong Anh - Investment Promotion in Industrial Park answered all relevant questions as well as detailed information about preferential and support programs from LHC for foreign-invested enterprises. Besides, Ms. Phuong Anh also thanked the Program Organizing Committee for facilitating the connection between the Investor and the Industrial Park.
Long Hau Industrial Park
As a bright spot for investors, Long Hau Industrial Park is confidently ready to prepare favorable conditions to welcome the wave of investment, production and business transformation of domestic and foreign enterprises to Long An. That makes a positive contribution to growth innovation, socio-economic development of the province in particular and of the country in general when implementing new generation free trade agreements.

Upcoming on November 25, LHC cooperates with the Vietnamese Embassy in Korea, IPA Da Nang and  Toan Huy Hoang Realty to organize a webinar with the topic Investment trends and guidelines for Korean Investor in Hi-tech Industry.
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Long Hau Industrial Park - Partner in success
Address: Hamlet 3, Long Hau commune, Can Giuoc district, Long An province
Hotline: (+84 28) 3937 5599 - (+84) 906 938 599
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